Introduction:  Conversations with Dr. Bob Schmitt

Introduction: Conversations with Dr. Bob Schmitt

Evolution, Spirituality/Religion, Transformation (Personal and Social)
Introduction: Conversations with Bob Schmitt We live in challenging times full of changes. My goal in these blogs is to share ideas that impact how we live our lives and stimulate a discussion with you. My thoughts come from years of study, teaching, and ministry. I feel like I have lived two life-times – first as a Jesuit priest and now as a married man. I have a Ph.D. in Religious Studies/Spirituality (Fordham University) and Master’s Degrees in Counseling, Philosophy and Sacred Theology. My goal has been to integrate spirituality and psychology as a scholar-practitioner. I am now on the faculty at Saybrook University in the psychology department, focused on spirituality, consciousness and integrative health studies. Before coming to Saybrook I was on the core faculty at the Institute of…
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Evolution, So What?

Evolution, So What?

Evolution, So What? Two brothers set out with excitement on a camping trip.  One brother was an academic and the other a farmer.  They went to a beautiful, remote location and set up camp.  Exhausted they quickly went to sleep.  During the night the academic brother woke up his brother.  He exclaimed how excited he was looking at the stars.  He spoke with great eloquence from a philosophical perspective that this view made him reflect on the insignificance of this planet and our lives in such a vast universe while from a religious perspective he thought about how marvelous the creator of such wonders must be.  After talking for a while he smiled at his brother and said, “I have shared so much of what I see when I look…
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