About Us


Pat Luce and Bob Schmitt are a married couple who are committed to bringing Sophianic consciousness into the world through spiritual guidance, teaching and writing.  They have given workshops all over the U.S., as well as Russia, Mexico, France and Canada.

Pat Luce:

  • Masters Degree in counseling
  • Twenty years corporate management experience
  • International Corporate Trainer
  • Special training in spiritual guidance
    and counselor supervision
  • Mother of five children and six grandchildren.

Bob Schmitt:

  • Ph.D. in Spirituality
  • Graduate degrees in Counseling, Theology, and Philosophy
  • Held faculty and academic administrative positions
  • Internationally renown trainer of spiritual directors
  • Taught distance learning graduate programs in Psychology and Spirituality
  • Step-Father of five children and six grandchildren.

Our primary service is to share information and foster dialogue through our website and blog.
However, we are also available for the following forms of ministry.
(learn more)