Introduction: Conversations with Bob Schmitt
We live in challenging times full of changes. My goal in these blogs is to share ideas that impact how we live our lives and stimulate a discussion with you. My thoughts come from years of study, teaching, and ministry. I feel like I have lived two life-times – first as a Jesuit priest and now as a married man.
I have a Ph.D. in Religious Studies/Spirituality (Fordham University) and Master’s Degrees in Counseling, Philosophy and Sacred Theology. My goal has been to integrate spirituality and psychology as a scholar-practitioner. I am now on the faculty at Saybrook University in the psychology department, focused on spirituality, consciousness and integrative health studies. Before coming to Saybrook I was on the core faculty at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now Sofia University) and before that at Santa Clara University. Besides my faculty roles, my practice has also included spiritual guide, Novice Director, administrator (as dean at 2 schools and as president at 3 schools), author and Hospice Chaplain.
My wife, Pat Luce, and I seek to foster a spirituality for the 21st century that recognizes the Divine as mirrored in both the sacred feminine and sacred masculine. I take the leadership role in this blog and Pat takes the leadership role on our web page (
I am starting off by exploring 3 related topics: (1) how a belief in evolution impact one’s world view; (2) what a 21st century spirituality might look like and (3) compassion and our interdependence (some say a lack of compassion is our most pressing problem).